09/12/2015: Work


I've condemn myself to the 9am - 5pm work hours, well not really, more like 11.30am - 5.30pm. I kinda understand why adults tell you to appreciate your life as a student. Working totally drains your energy. Coming to a place for 5 days straight where everyday is seemingly a cycle... It's boring. But it's true that if you have a passion for what you do, then it won't feel like work. 

Which is what I admire in my bosses, i'm currently a writer for Seriously Man and the unit here is good. When I first started, it did not feel like work more like i'm meeting friends to study or a meeting up for a group meeting. However, no matter how nice the people or how well the environment is, it's still a cycle and i'm already tired. Tired of the routine, Routinely tired.

But life doesn't always go your way, you'll just have to suck it up and do it.

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